Instructor History & Experience:
I have worked at several different gyms around the city including MNP Community & Sport Centre and taught a variety of different classes. I have been a personal trainer and fitness instructor for almost 10 years now and enjoyed every minute of it!
What do you teach at MNPCSC?:
Boxing Bootcamp, Kickboxing Bootcamp, TechnoSPIN, Rowing ‘n TRX, Strength and Cardio based HIIT Bootcamps.
Why I love being an instructor:
There are so many reasons, but mainly because I love seeing people who come to my classes or any classes try new things, try hard and try for their own personal bests. I love seeing people be active and enjoying life while working out.
Fun fact about yourself:
I donated a kidney to a friend almost 5 years ago!
High Impact on Parking: FEB 7 – FEB 9
The Indigo Lot is available for overflow parking. You must register your vehicle at the kiosk located inside our north doors. Click for more details.
CUSTOMER ALERT: Our South Entrance is now closed. All patrons are to enter and exit the Centre through the North Entrance.