

  • AFLCA Aquatic
  • Older Adult and Cycle Certifications

Instructor History & Experience:
I have been teaching a variety of water fitness classes (tethered, shallow and deep) for over 15 years at various facilities in Calgary. This is my 4th year teaching at Repsol. A few years ago I added Older Adult and Cycle to my skillset.

What do you teach at MNPCSC?:
I teach deep water fitness classes to a wonderful group of regular participants.

Why I love being an instructor:
I love teaching and meeting people who make my classes part of their fitness routine. I use the groups’ energy to motivate and challenge them with different and fun routines. I feel good when my teaching helps to improve someone’s wellbeing. Positive feedback and smiles keep me coming back to a job I love.

Fun fact about yourself:
I enjoy kayaking and scenic road bike rides in the summer.

Michelle Group Fitness

Specialty Areas

Deep Water

CUSTOMER ALERT: Our South Entrance is now closed. All patrons are to enter and exit the Centre through the North Entrance.

**TEMPORARY CLOSURE UPDATE:** The previously communicated facility closure dates of September 7-14 have been called off. We will now be open and fully operational during this period. The new tentative closure dates are September 21-22 (two full days) as well as September 28-29 (two full days), subject to change based on our project progress. See webpage for more details.

In response to the City of Calgary’s request to limit non-essential water use, MNP Community & Sport Centre will be implementing water conservation efforts throughout the facility, by the suggested 25%, or more, starting August 26, 2024. More details HERE.