Instructor history and experience:
I have been leading fitness classes in a variety of formats and facilities around Calgary and area since 2014.
What do you teach at MNPCSC?:
TechnoSPIN, Yoga & Deep Water
Why I love being an instructor:
I love being an instructor because I can facilitate a space that enables participants to be a better version of themselves.
Fun fact about yourself:
I love music.
HIGH-IMPACT PARKING ALERT: Friday, January 17 – Sunday, January 19
Please plan accordingly for all classes and lessons. Off-site parking is available at the Elbow River Casino Indigo Lot. NEW Please register your vehicle at the kiosk located inside our North doors. Click HERE for more event details.
CUSTOMER ALERT: Our South Entrance is now closed. All patrons are to enter and exit the Centre through the North Entrance.