

  • BA (Dist.)
  • JD (Dist.)
  • Canfitpro Fitness Instructor Specialist
  • Certified Get RIPPED!® Instructor

Instructor history and experience:
I have been teaching group fitness classes for over 10 years – before that, I worked as a lawyer in the securities regulation industry. While I always enjoyed exercising on my own, once I began attending group fitness classes, I fell in love with the structure they provided and found the group environment to be incredibly supportive and motivating. I became a certified Fitness Instructor Specialist soon after and have taught in various facilities including MNP Centre ever since.

What do you teach at MNPCSC?:

Why I love being an instructor:
I love that being an instructor gives me a chance to help members be grateful for, and inspired by, the remarkable things their bodies are capable of! Many participants know that I experienced a brain hemorrhage that temporarily left me partially paralyzed, and that experience has provided me with a unique perspective on health & fitness that I am privileged to share with participants. Every class I teach, I hope that I can help members know that we can all meet our bodies where they are, without judgment, and with acceptance.

Fun fact about yourself:
Only one? I have 2 Havanese dogs, one of whom is a Canadian Kennel Club Champion; I am originally from Saskatchewan (just ask!); and I would love to tell you all about the time I met Snoop Dogg – even if you don’t ask!

Specialty Areas


HIGH-IMPACT PARKING ALERT:  Friday, January 17 – Sunday, January 19
Please plan accordingly for all classes and lessons. Off-site parking is available at the Elbow River Casino Indigo Lot. NEW Please register your vehicle at the kiosk located inside our North doors. Click HERE for more event details.

CUSTOMER ALERT: Our South Entrance is now closed. All patrons are to enter and exit the Centre through the North Entrance.