Why do you coach at MNP Community & Sport Centre?
Fundamentally, I coach to help people realize their athletic potential. MNP Community & Sport Centre provides an incredible environment in which to challenge athletes and see them achieve things they didn’t believe they could.
What is your favourite part of sport?
What we learn about ourselves via the training process and during competition.
What is on your bucket list of challenges/races and why?
Leadville 100Mile Mountain Bike Race and LOTOJA Cycling Race – to experience the beauty of those locations while exploring my physical and mental limits on a bicycle.
What super human power would you have and why?
Wolverine’s healing factor so I wouldn’t have to deal with injuries.
How do you create the best coaching experiences for your athletes?
My approach is to help athletes understand how to best integrate, adapt and balance their training with the demands of life as well as instilling high levels of confidence and belief in their abilities.
“Everyone is an individual and must be treated as such. This is why the training I prescribe dove tails with each athlete’s lifestyle in an effective and realistic manner.”
High Impact on Parking: FEB 7 – FEB 9
The Indigo Lot is available for overflow parking. You must register your vehicle at the kiosk located inside our north doors. Click for more details.
CUSTOMER ALERT: Our South Entrance is now closed. All patrons are to enter and exit the Centre through the North Entrance.