

  • Bachelor of Health and Physical Education
  • American Council of Exercise Certified Personal Trainer


Fitness History and Experience
Growing up I was active and took part in several small club sports. My parents made sure I stayed active and kept busy. As I got older, I was interested in human anatomy and decided to pursue a degree from Mount Royal University. There I developed a new interest for personal training and high-performance training from listening to one of my professors’ many stories of training professional athletes. It was very clear exercise physiology and health promotion were my strong suit and I decided to use those skills to help others. Whether my client is an athlete looking to improve their capabilities or looking to just improve their fitness I want to help them and find exercises that they enjoy and will keep them wanting to stay active

Something Interesting About Yourself
I have slight hypermobility, not enough to be a gymnast but enough I can brag and show it off.

Trainer Philosophy
Exercise and training do not have to be a chore. There are so many ways to be active and train. There is something out there for everyone to include in their routines to ensure they’re living a long healthy life.


Specialty Areas

Recreational Athletes, Strength Training, Everyday Life Improvement

HIGH-IMPACT PARKING ALERT:  Friday, January 17 – Sunday, January 19
Please plan accordingly for all classes and lessons. Off-site parking is available at the Elbow River Casino Indigo Lot. NEW Please register your vehicle at the kiosk located inside our North doors. Click HERE for more event details.

CUSTOMER ALERT: Our South Entrance is now closed. All patrons are to enter and exit the Centre through the North Entrance.