Nose Creek Swim Association’s (NCSA) goal is to promote and support a highly competitive swim program and is committed to providing a superior coaching staff accessible to all levels of swimming ability. Our training philosophy follows the recommended Long Term Athlete Development Model develop Canadian Sport 4 Life. We run our programs out of two facilities in Calgary and one in Airdrie. Our senior athletes do all their water and dryland training solely out of the MNP Community & Sport Centre.

HIGH-IMPACT PARKING ALERT:  Friday, January 17 – Sunday, January 19
Please plan accordingly for all classes and lessons. Off-site parking is available at the Elbow River Casino Indigo Lot. NEW Please register your vehicle at the kiosk located inside our North doors. Click HERE for more event details.

CUSTOMER ALERT: Our South Entrance is now closed. All patrons are to enter and exit the Centre through the North Entrance.