Chinook Rhythmique Gymnastics Club Year End Gala 

Event Date :: Friday, June 28

End of year showcase for rhythmic gymnasts of all ages & levels. Final opportunity for gymnasts to show all of the skills they have learned over the year, display competitive routines, and showcase creative group routines. 


Number of Athletes: 40
Gym 4
2:00PM – 9:30PM



Members should please plan accordingly for all classes and lessons.


WATER MAIN BREAK UPDATE: In keeping with the City of Calgary’s current water restriction, closures of our aquatic facilities and showers still remain in effect. Stay tuned for an update on Wednesday, June 19, 2024.

Fitness Centre towels: Due to our reduced laundry frequency, we will have fewer towels for cleaning equipment in circulation.

Olympic Athletes: You will notice 6 athletes in our pools. They have been granted special permission to train as they prepare for the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris next month. We invite you to join us in cheering them on!