

  • Zumba
  • Zumba kids
  • Zumba Gold
  • Zumba toning
  • Strong
  • Group Power ®
  • Group Core ®
  • Step
  • Can-Fit pro

Instructor History & Experience:
When I came to this beautiful country, I missed so much dancing, my family back home doesn’t miss an opportunity to dance. I started with step “aerobics”, the closest thing to dance that was available and became a certified step Instructor. I was attending Zumba classes until I became a certified Instructor as well. After that I took more certifications in the fitness world. I have been a group fitness instructor for more than 10 years.

What do you teach at MNPCSC?:
Zumba and Group Power ®

Why I love being an instructor:
I am passionate about motivating people with compassion and honesty when working towards their wellness goals, I always make it FUN!!!!

Fun fact about yourself:
I am a bit (probably a lot) silly when I’m in front of my group.  I want my participants to enjoy and be happy when they are with me. I hope to get a big SMILE when they say bye to me!

Specialty Areas


CUSTOMER ALERT: Our South Entrance is now closed. All patrons are to enter and exit the Centre through the North Entrance.

**TEMPORARY CLOSURE UPDATE:** The previously communicated facility closure dates of September 7-14 have been called off. We will now be open and fully operational during this period. The new tentative closure dates are September 21-22 (two full days) as well as September 28-29 (two full days), subject to change based on our project progress. See webpage for more details.

In response to the City of Calgary’s request to limit non-essential water use, MNP Community & Sport Centre will be implementing water conservation efforts throughout the facility, by the suggested 25%, or more, starting August 26, 2024. More details HERE.