Fitness History and Experience
Growing up I was active and took part in several small club sports. My parents made sure I stayed active and kept busy. As I got older, I was interested in human anatomy and decided to pursue a degree from Mount Royal University. There I developed a new interest for personal training and high-performance training from listening to one of my professors’ many stories of training professional athletes. It was very clear exercise physiology and health promotion were my strong suit and I decided to use those skills to help others. Whether my client is an athlete looking to improve their capabilities or looking to just improve their fitness I want to help them and find exercises that they enjoy and will keep them wanting to stay active
Something Interesting About Yourself
I have slight hypermobility, not enough to be a gymnast but enough I can brag and show it off.
Trainer Philosophy
Exercise and training do not have to be a chore. There are so many ways to be active and train. There is something out there for everyone to include in their routines to ensure they’re living a long healthy life.
High Impact on Parking: FEB 7 – FEB 9
The Indigo Lot is available for overflow parking. You must register your vehicle at the kiosk located inside our north doors. Click for more details.
CUSTOMER ALERT: Our South Entrance is now closed. All patrons are to enter and exit the Centre through the North Entrance.