Why do you coach at MNP Community & Sport Centre?
The MNP Community & Sport Centre is a huge stage for coaches. Not only can it support the skills displayed by coaches but is also a huge place for people to achieve and pursue sports dreams.
What is your favourite part of sport?
Keep forging ahead and constantly challenge yourself.
What is on your bucket list of challenges/races and why?
Helping more athletes to improve their swimming skills to achieve and pursue their goals is the greatest pleasure as a coach.
What super human power would you have and why?
Assess the needs of athletes instantly when coaching.
How do you create the best coaching experiences for your athletes?
Understand the needs of athletes, help them in a variety of ways, provide a logical explanation of techniques, and enable athletes to progress and improve.
PLEASE NOTE: The GetRIPPED!-a-Thon originally scheduled for March 8th is being rescheduled.
We will keep you posted once a new date is confirmed. Thank you!
CUSTOMER ALERT: Our South Entrance is now closed. All patrons are to enter and exit the Centre through the North Entrance.