Peter Llewellyn


  • Certified IPTPA Level II Pickleball Coach
  • Certified Paramedic (retired)


Why do you coach at MNP Community & Sport Centre?
MNPCSC offers me the opportunity to coach all levels and all ages and offer a diverse program for both individuals and groups. I love the philosophy of making everyone who comes  to the venue feel special and welcome.

What is your favourite part of Sport?
To see athletes of all levels and abilities achieve their dreams.

What is on your bucket list of challenges/races and why?
Life is too short for a bucket list – I would prefer to die with memories than unfulfilled dreams.

What super human power would you have and why?
The ability to turn back time so I could discover pickleball 40 years earlier than I did.

How do you create the best coaching experiences for your athletes?
My aim with all players is to see them develop the skills to improve their game to the best of their ability by listening, careful observation and a structured lesson program – BUT most of all have fun! I also keep abreast of the way that pickleball, as a relatively young sport, is changing and alter my coaching accordingly

Peter Pickleball Coach

Specialty Areas


HIGH-IMPACT PARKING ALERT:  Friday, January 17 – Sunday, January 19
Please plan accordingly for all classes and lessons. Off-site parking is available at the Elbow River Casino Indigo Lot. NEW Please register your vehicle at the kiosk located inside our North doors. Click HERE for more event details.

CUSTOMER ALERT: Our South Entrance is now closed. All patrons are to enter and exit the Centre through the North Entrance.