

  • BA (Dist.)
  • JD (Dist.)
  • Canfitpro Fitness Instructor Specialist
  • Certified Get RIPPED!® Instructor

Instructor history and experience:
I have been teaching group fitness classes for over 10 years – before that, I worked as a lawyer in the securities regulation industry. While I always enjoyed exercising on my own, once I began attending group fitness classes, I fell in love with the structure they provided and found the group environment to be incredibly supportive and motivating. I became a certified Fitness Instructor Specialist soon after and have taught in various facilities including MNP Centre ever since.

What do you teach at MNPCSC?:

Why I love being an instructor:
I love that being an instructor gives me a chance to help members be grateful for, and inspired by, the remarkable things their bodies are capable of! Many participants know that I experienced a brain hemorrhage that temporarily left me partially paralyzed, and that experience has provided me with a unique perspective on health & fitness that I am privileged to share with participants. Every class I teach, I hope that I can help members know that we can all meet our bodies where they are, without judgment, and with acceptance.

Fun fact about yourself:
Only one? I have 2 Havanese dogs, one of whom is a Canadian Kennel Club Champion; I am originally from Saskatchewan (just ask!); and I would love to tell you all about the time I met Snoop Dogg – even if you don’t ask!


Specialty Areas


Group Power® on Thursday, February 20 at 12pm is cancelled

CUSTOMER ALERT: Our South Entrance is now closed. All patrons are to enter and exit the Centre through the North Entrance.