Instructor history and experience:
What do you teach at MNPCSC?:
Group Power, TechnoSPIN Sculpt, Strength & Stretch & Bootcamp
Why I love being an instructor:
The benefit of fitness has no limits!! I am an advocate for all things fitness and wellness, am so passionate and truly believe exercise will take you through the many journeys and the life stresses we all face daily. I fell in love with instructing people because I was helping so many of them reach their fitness goals, whatever that may be. Their feedback and love for my classes gave me everything I needed to learn and excel in the many disciplines I have taught and the craving to learn more – that energy made me the instructor I am today!
Fun fact about yourself:
I am not a good singer, but I love singing and will sing in my classes!
8:15am Zumba on Saturday, February 22 is cancelled. Apologies for the inconvenience.
CUSTOMER ALERT: Our South Entrance is now closed. All patrons are to enter and exit the Centre through the North Entrance.