Instructor history and experience:
I began my fitness journey in my teens working at one of the first fitness clubs in Lethbridge. After having 4 children I competed in numerous running and cycling races as well as a variety of fun fitness endeavours. I incorporated weight training into my workout regime a few years ago and won the title of Ms. Fit 2018. I have been a group fitness instructor for many years and continue to explore different ways to stay active and engaged!
What do you teach at MNPCSC?:
Get RIPPED! and TechnoSPIN
Why I love being an instructor:
I love being an instructor because of all the fabulous people I get to meet! My family have been members since 1993 and we’ve met many of our friends through the facility. I love the energy and community spirit MNPCSC has and am always inspired by my colleagues and participants! I also love being an instructor because I am a lifelong learner and am always researching current trends and studies in fitness and well-being.
Fun fact about yourself:
My passions beyond optimal health and wellness include: my husband and kids, good food, long walks, traveling, and dogs!
Group Power® on Thursday, February 20 at 12pm is cancelled
CUSTOMER ALERT: Our South Entrance is now closed. All patrons are to enter and exit the Centre through the North Entrance.