Sport Partners


The top level Sport Partners, all garner a Level 1 Certified Status in the Club Excellence program or equivalent in conjunction with MNP Community & Sport Centre’s additional criteria. Concentration is on Stages 5 and 6 of the Long-term Athlete Development (LTAD) framework.

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Ares Modern Pentathlon & Fencing Club

Ares Pentathlon & Fencing Club is a community-based club delivering programming in the Olympic sports of Modern Pentathlon (swim, fence, equestrian, run, shoot) and Fencing (epee). Through an athlete-centered approach, members gain the skills necessary to compete from the early stages of development to the international level, and from youth to masters in age. Through excellent coaching and a community-building orientation, Ares is committed to maximizing the potential of its athletes; from Beginner to Olympian.

Calgary Patriots Swim Club

The Calgary Patriots is a competitive swim Club dedicated to the overall development of individuals to their maximum potential. The program is designed for individual swimmers, keeping their age, ability and desires in mind. The Club has five competitive levels. This structure allows the development of athletes as they progress through the sport of competitive swimming.

Calgary Renegades Water Polo Club

Calgary Renegades is a girl’s high performance competitive water polo club that has become the training ground for athletes that go onto become accomplished athletes nationally and internationally. These teams have several age groups from Atom to Senior (6-60 years old) and travel to tournaments around North America.

Calgary Torpedoes Water Polo Club

Calgary Torpedoes is a high-performance, competitive water polo club based in Calgary, Alberta, training out of the MNP Community & Sport Centre. It’s mission is to provide a positive, competitive water polo environment and experience by developing coaches, athletes and officials who commit to practicing water polo and leadership skills, mutual respect, and teamwork to excel in life.

Training under the guidance of internationally experienced coaches, athletes at the levels of U16, U19 compete Nationally in Water Polo Canada’s National League, and Internationally as a Club and on Summer National Teams representing Alberta and Canada.

CALTAF (Calgary Track & Field)

CALTAF is a well-established organization which provides facilities, training programs, competition and leadership to promote personal development and excellence in athletes, coaches and officials for the betterment of track and field in Calgary. CALTAF offers year round developmental and competitive training programs for athletes of all ages and interests. Whether you’re just starting out in the sport of track and field or are an experienced and competitive athlete striving to make a National or International Team, CALTAF has a place for you. We offer training groups and programs for all ages beginning with our Cheetah Program for ages 6-12, our Junior Development Group designed for athletes 12-15, and our event specific Senior Training Groups.

Please contact the CALTAF Office at or 403-686-6011 for more information.

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Cascade Swim Club

Cascade Swimming focuses on competitions held on the National scene. These domestic competitions include the National Senior Championships, the Age Group National Western Canadian Championships. Head Coach Dave Johnson will coach and oversee all four of these groups and their coaches Wendy Johnson, Ildi Deliu and Jasen Pratt. Programs will be implemented that are commensurate with training requirements, competency levels, event requirements and the swimmers individual needs and goals.

Killarney Swim Club

The Killarney Swim Club is a community based competitive swim club for youth of all ages. Our club delivers programs that promote skill improvement and positive character development in an environment focused on fun, friendship and support. Killarney Swim Club swimmers achieve athletic and personal excellence, helping them prepare to meet the challenges and opportunities of life as they develop a lifelong love of the sport. Killarney Swim Club focuses on the growth of the “whole person” by promoting personal excellence in sport and in life.

Kronos Triathlon Club

Kronos Triathlon Club offers a development and high-performance program for athletes in draft-legal and short course triathlon. Using the Long-Term Athlete Development Model, Kronos’ professional coaches provide coaching to both recreational youth and elite athletes racing nationally and internationally. Athletes at either end of the spectrum (competitive or recreational) are welcome to train with us.

Nose Creek Swim Association

Nose Creek Swim Association’s (NCSA) goal is to promote and support a highly competitive swim program and is committed to providing a superior coaching staff accessible to all levels of swimming ability. Our training philosophy follows the recommended Long Term Athlete Development Model develop Canadian Sport 4 Life. We run our programs out of two facilities in Calgary and one in Airdrie. Our senior athletes do all their water and dryland training solely out of the MNP Community & Sport Centre.

The Calgary Aquabelles Synchronized Swimming


The Calgary Aquabelles have a long standing history of excellence in all aspects of Synchronized Swimming. We offer a variety of Recreational and Competitive Synchro Programs from September to June. These programs are open to all. We also work within the framework of the Long-Term Athlete Development program.

Waterpolo Canada National Legacy Development Centre

MNP Community & Sport Centre is officially recognized as a National Training Centre by Water Polo Canada. The Canadian Senior Men’s National Team is currently led and managed by Neil Muir. We train out of MNP Community & Sport Centre and represent Canada all over the world.


Sport Partners that achieved the Train level all received Affiliate status with Club Excellence and have partially met joint criteria with MNP Community & Sport Centre. Focus is on sport specific training, Stages 3, 4 and 5 of the LTAD framework with participation in national or higher events.

Calgary Elite Artistic Swimming

Calgary Elite Artistic Swimming is Calgary’s youngest artistic swimming swim club, offering both competitive and recreational programs. We strive to develop technically sound, well-rounded artistic swimmers. We ensure our young athletes develop skills that will assist them throughout their lives. We foster a positive and competitive environment where all girls are given the tools to reach their own specific goals. As a small club, our athletes get more individual coaching attention and form special bonds with their teammates.

Calgary Warriors Track Club

The objective of the Calgary Warriors Track Club is to hand students grade 7-12 the tools and training to be successful in track & field. A number of top-class athletes have come forth from the ranks of the Calgary Warriors, making provincial and national teams, and several have obtained scholarships at universities in Canada and the U.S.A.

Calgary International Track Club

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”- Aristotle

CITC is a group of dedicated athletes, all of whom personify the essence of the above quote Excellence is an art, won only through training and habituation. It is through relentless competition with their own best selves that Calgary International athletes achieve their goals, and find excellence in the process.

Dive Calgary

Dive Calgary, the city’s only competitive springboard and platform diving club, is committed to being an innovative and flexible organization that contributes to the personal achievement of excellence and community development through the sport of diving at provincial, national, international and Olympic levels. Our club is currently training 33 athletes ranging in age from six to 28. These Senior, Age Group (Junior) and Developmental level divers compete in both springboard and platform diving. The philosophy of our club is to embody the best in performance, good sportsmanship, integrity, discipline and personal commitment.

Chinook Rhythmique Gymnastics Club

Chinook Rhythmique has over 24 years of experience in training all levels of gymnasts. Chinook has consistently had gymnasts representing Alberta and Canada in major games and events. In our high level competitive program we teach National level gymnasts 5 days/week and Provincial level gymnasts 3-5 days/week. Pre-competitive and recreation classes make up the balance of our programs. Our gymnasts also benefit from ballet, conditioning and apparatus handling included in their training.

Calgary Wild Water Polo Club

Calgary Wild has been developing young water polo athletes of all skill levels for over five years in Calgary. Athletes range in age from six to seventeen. The club’s national team coaches have created a valuable combination of skills improvement, team-building and fun which keep kids coming back year after year. The club offers year-round training opportunities with scheduled practices, scrimmages and games as well as competitions within Alberta and in other provinces and states. Wild’s mission is to provide the best water polo coaching to all age groups skill levels to build self-esteem and to encourage positive emotional, social, mental, spiritual and physical development of all our athletes.


The Play level focuses on Stages 1, 2 and 7 of the LTAD where Sport Partners have defined their purpose primarily for recreational or game play.

Alberta Water Polo Association

Alberta Water Polo is a provincial organization which works to promote, govern, support and advance water polo in the province. We collaborate with our partners and members to provide a safe, positive and progressive sport environment.

Calgary Aquamums

Calgary Aquamums Masters Synchro Club

The Calgary Aquamums Masters Synchro Club is a recreational/competitive masters synchronized swimming club. Our members range in age from 18 to 70+. Our club consists of about 55 members. There are opportunities for various levels of synchronized swimmers in our club.


Calgary Crocs Underwater Hockey Club

Underwater Hockey is a co-ed, non-contact water sport played on the bottom of the pool. It involves strategy, skill and fitness in a unique 3-dimensional setting in which teams of six compete to push a weighted puck across the pool bottom. Strategy is very similar to that of hockey but on a 3 dimensional sheet of liquid ice. The Calgary Underwater Hockey Club is the largest youth oriented underwater hockey club in the country, with many of the players representing Canada at the junior and elite levels on the world stage.

Calgary Ladies Field Hockey Association

Members range in age from 13 – 60+ and in experience from beginners to current and former provincial and varsity level players. We have 5 different divisions of development and competition, ranging from grassroots juniors to social/recreational as well as competitive.

Calgary Masters Swim Club

Calgary Masters Swimming Club

Members range in age from early 20’s to mid 80’s, and in swimming ability from just able to swim a few laps to being national record holders. We have a combination of dedicated recreational/fitness swimmers, active competitive swimmers and triathletes. Our Members hold Provincial and National records and hold FINA World Rankings in various individual and relay events.

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Calgary Masters Water Polo

Calgary Master’s Water Polo is a club open to men who want to stay fit, practice skills and play games. Some members represent the club in competitive international masters water polo. We train twice a week. Whether you are a former player that wants to get back into the game or are a good swimmer and want to try something fun and new, all levels are welcome.

Calgary Polo Splash

Calgary Polo Splash is a recreational group open to all levels of players. Our group consists of women whose experience ranges from past competitive swimmers and polo players to non-swimmers and novices to the game. Our mandate is to get together, get some exercise and have fun! No previous knowledge of water polo is necessary to join. We’ll teach you the rules, the skills and the team tactics.

Calgary Seawolves Water Polo Club

The Seawolves Club is a water polo club open to all kids ages 7 and up living in northwest or northeast Calgary, as well as Airdrie and Cochrane. We welcome everyone regardless of swimming ability. We are members of the Alberta Water Polo Association (AWPA) and we play against several other local teams located in Calgary, High River and Okotoks. During tournaments, teams from Edmonton, Medicine Hat and Innisfail often join us. Our mission is to provide a positive sport environment that promotes a healthy, active lifestyle in its members. Through the sport of water polo, members learn to value physical fitness, teamwork, and cooperation and develop leadership skills that make them exceptional community members.

Calgary Senior Men’s Basketball Association

Calgary Senior Men’s Basketball Association operates competitive basketball programs for men throughout Calgary. We have been a member of the MNP Community & Sport Centre since it opened in 1983 and 1/3 of our games are played here. Each year over 140 teams play in 15+ divisions of varying ages and abilities. Each game has professional officials and scorekeeping staff. We offer the best basketball in town, other than post-secondary.

Calgary Sport & Social Club

The CSSC offers over 15 sports and activities with various skill levels, ranging from Recreational to Competitive. Our goal is to encourage as many Calgarians as possible to ‘get in the game!’ Our programs are for adults who want to participate in co-ed leagues, tournaments, and events that are well organized, easy to access through our website and always in the spirit of our ‘fun first, winning second’ philosophy.

CALVOL Volleyball Association

We are the premier men’s volleyball league in Calgary. We have been around since 1983 and have made MNP Community & Sport Centre our home base.

Different Strokes Calgary

Different Strokes Calgary (DSC) is a non-profit, volunteer-run Masters swim club inclusive of the LGBTQ2+ and their friends. DSC is dedicated to the master swim program philosophy of “fun and fitness for life” in an environment that is both positive and supportive. To this end, DSC attempts to provide a recreational, competitive and socially active atmosphere in which members may, at their option, participate.

Field Hockey Association of Calgary

FHAC strives to Promote and Develop the game of Outdoor and Indoor Field Hockey for Men and Mixed Teams through Competitive and Recreational games for Players,Coaches, Officials and Spectators.

Rocky Mountain Dive Club

Rocky Mountain Diving Club (RMDC) offers recreational Learn-to-Dive and, pre-competitive programs for all ages. Our goal is to provide quality technical springboard and platform diving instruction at the introductory level in a safe, controlled, and fun environment. We incorporate trampoline and dry board training, as well as dry land strength and flexibility conditioning into all lessons.


MEMBER HOURS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY  5:00PM – 8:00PM  Drop Ins unavailable during this time

CUSTOMER ALERT: Our South Entrance is now closed. All patrons are to enter and exit the Centre through the North Entrance.