Refund Policy, Membership Conditions and Cancellation Policy

Photo ID will be required from those 13 years and up to enter MNP Community & Sport Centre. If you do not have your Membership card with you, you will be required to show photo ID.

Drop-in & Limited Membership (10 Pass Card, 30 Day Card, 12 Days of Fitness & 60 Days of Summer) Refund Policy:

  • MNP Community & Sport Centre does not provide refunds for non-usage, facility closures or parking availability.
  • Drop in admissions may be eligible for a refund within the first thirty minutes of their visit with receipt. Please note: Issue of refunds are at the discretion of the Customer Service Management team.
  • 10 Pass Card, 12 Days of Fitness and Late Rate 10 Pass Card expire after 2 years from date of purchase.
  • Individuals must have their own 10 Pass and/or 12 Days of Fitness Card. Passes can not be shared between individuals.
  • 10 Pass Cards and 30 Day Cards are non-transferable, non-refundable and non-extendable.

General Membership Conditions

  • MNP Community & Sport Centre (also referred to as the “Facility”) Memberships are not transferable under any circumstances.
  • To ensure a hassle-free entry, please scan your Membership card when accessing the Facility. If a Membership card is lost or stolen, the Member will be charged a $5 replacement fee and $15 for Executive Members.
  • Members are encouraged to speak to their physician prior to engaging in physical activity. Any injuries sustained by the Member during Facility use are the sole responsibility of the Member.
  • Membership fees are subject to change; MNP Community & Sport Centre will notify Members via website and email of any changes.
  • MNP Community & Sport Centre does not provide a refund for non-usage, facility closures or parking availability.
  • MNP Community & Sport Centre is currently unable to offer holds on memberships.
  • Membership changes will incur a $25 charge per change. Changes must be made in person by the main contact.
  • Members are responsible for providing up to date contact information to ensure that their account is current at all times.
  • Continuous monthly memberships require valid credit card or banking information. Visa/Debit is not accepted.
  • Members are responsible for keeping themselves informed of any and all updates as well as changes to their Membership terms and/or the facility through MNPCSC approved communication methods including, but not limited to, our e-newsletter and website alerts.
  • Youth aged 13 -17 years will be asked to provide an Emergency contact. 

Monthly Continuous & Annual Membership Conditions

  • A $50 Facility Investment charge is included at the onset of every new Monthly Continuous or Annual Membership – for Members that have not held a Membership within the past 3 months. The revenue generated directly supports the delivery of tangible benefits to our Members in the way of Facility Enhancements, maintenance and repairs, Equipment Upgrades, and Technology innovation. See Facility Investment projects. 
  • Your Membership fee will continue to be withdrawn until cancelled. See cancellation policy below.
  • All Monthly Continuous and Annual Memberships may be cancelled in person by the contract owner 6 months from the start date of the Membership with a completed Membership Cancellation Form.
  • Payments will be automatically withdrawn from the bank account or charged to a credit card specified by the Member on the first of each month (or the next banking day). Declined monthly charges will be reprocessed the following month.
  • Members will be notified of declined payments via email. MNP Community & Sport Centre will charge a $10 service fee (subject to change) for all declined payments. MNP Community & Sport Centre is not responsible for any charges that the Member incurs in relation to any automatic withdrawals from a bank account or charge to a credit card.
  • Memberships will be cancelled for multiple non-payments at the sole discretion of MNP Community & Sport Centre. Members that default on 2 or more payments will be cancelled and will be limited to a full pay Membership should they wish to return.
  • It is the responsibility of the Member to notify MNP Community & Sport Centre of any changes in their payment information: changes must be made in person by the main contact no less than 5 business days prior to the payment date.

Membership Cancellation Policy

  • All Monthly Continuous and Annual Memberships may be cancelled in person by the contract owner 6 months from the start date of the Membership with a completed Membership Cancellation Form.
  • Memberships can only be cancelled prior to the 6 month minimum term for two conditions: (1) Medical Reasons: A dated letter from a valid physician is required expressing the need to eliminate physical activity. (2) Job Relocation: A dated letter signed by the company is required expressing dates of relocation. All letters must be provided to the Customer Service Manager along with a signed cancellation form.
  • Applicable refunds for Annual Memberships will be prorated from the date that the completed Membership Cancellation Form is received by MNP Community & Sport Centre. A completed form must be submitted in person to the Customer Service Desk; please allow 7-10 business days to process.
  • Monthly Continuous Memberships will not be refunded. Once the Membership Cancellation Form is completed the cancellation will be effective at the end of the current month. This form must be completed in person on or before the 24th of the month prior to the next scheduled monthly payment. Forms completed after this time period will be processed the following month and will incur additional monthly charges equivalent to the agreed monthly payment.

MEMBER HOURS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY  5:00PM – 8:00PM  Drop Ins unavailable during this time

CUSTOMER ALERT: Our South Entrance is now closed. All patrons are to enter and exit the Centre through the North Entrance.