Nick Ontkean


  • Bachelor of Science Kinesiology, Certified Athletic Therapist

Why do you coach at MNP Community & Sport Centre?

The facility allows me to cater to all the needs that my athletes have in their training programs. The culture of the club and its members is the best in the city.

What is your favourite part of Sport?

It allows us to find new limits and truly challenge ourselves individually.

What is on your bucket list of challenges/races and why?
Kona. When I was 17 I picked up my first triathlon magazine and read about Normann Stadler winning the 2006 Ironman in Hawaii. I have wanted to get there since.

What super human power would you have and why?
A superhuman metabolism…food is my weakness!

How do you create the best coaching experiences for your athletes?
I try to frame all workouts in such a way that athletes can self-direct their success by achieving their specific goals. This allows my athletes to progress at a rate that is optimal to them.

Specialty Areas

Sprint, International Distances Triathlon and Injury Prevention


TechnoSPIN Beats on Saturdays at 8:15am is cancelled until further notice

NEW Member Hours*  – Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 5pm to 8pm, Members will have exclusive access to the Facility.
Drop-in admission may continue to be purchased anytime outside of Member Hours. 

**Member Hours grants exclusive access to Annual & Monthly Memberships, 10 Pass & 30 Day Card holders, Member Guest & Courtesy Pass holders & Sport Partners,